Superdrug breaks period taboos with Olympic partnership

Health and beauty retailer Superdrug is addressing period taboos with its ‘My First Period’ campaign, featuring Olympic diver, Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix, who says she is “strongest” when on her period.

Aimed particularly at supporting younger, school-age children and their parents, the campaign aims to break taboos and encourage open conversation, while also dispelling what it describes as “menstruation stigma and period product shame”.

Launching today, the My First Period campaign will include video and social content, as well as a dedicated microsite.

With 85% of young people currently trying to hide the fact that they’re on their period from those around them, Superdrug has enlisted 19-year-old Olympic diver Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix and gynaecologist Dr Brooke Vandermolen to head up the campaign.

Bronze medallist Spendolini-Sirieix shares her personal story, from the “shock” she felt the first time she got her period and how her mother showed her it “wasn’t something to be embarrassed or scared of”, to how she navigates her menstrual cycle now as an athlete and young woman.

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“Only after years of being on my period do I finally have a grasp of how my body reacts during my menstrual cycle,” she said.

“I am my strongest on my period and even won my Commonwealth gold medal on my heaviest day. I am fully aware of my work attire as I step onto the platform, and even more aware when I am bloated, emotional, bleeding and uncomfortable.

“I know there is so much more work to do in terms of awareness on this topic, especially for young girls in sports.”

Superdrug has also partnered with obstetrics and gynaecology doctor Dr Brooke Vandermolen to offer information and reassurance to help break the taboos surrounding periods, and particularly around which period products to use.

The campaign also aims to raise awareness of the importance of accessible period hygiene products.

“It’s important to everyone at Superdrug that we are a reliable and trust-worthy retailer for our younger customers to be able to purchase their first period products with no shame or fear, as well as being there for parents experiencing this with children,” said Superdrug own-brand director Jamie Archer.

“We also pride ourselves on being affordable and accessible and aim to become the go-to retailer for anyone who menstruates – no matter your life stage.”